Awakening & Cultivating this Generation to Live LIFE TO THE FULLEST


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“These are the ones who have turned the world upside down.”

Acts 17:6

Many high school seniors struggle to feel prepared, focused, and grounded to take the next steps in life.  This has led more students considering taking a “Gap Year” to travel, get a job, explore their passions, and become more grounded, although taking an entire year is not a good option for many, and so the idea of a “Gap Summer” was born.  This is a 40 day Gap Summer program unlike any other! Students will spend time working through spiritual disciplines, but reframed as “habits of grace” (the rhythms of life in which we present ourselves before God for Him to do a work of grace in us, in order for Him to do a work through us.  Life School is a gap summer 40 day intensive program primarily for students 18-25 where students will have the opportunity to spend time in God’s words with world class teachers, serve one of the least churched areas in America through practical outreach and evangelism, experience epic adventure in Gods creation, and lead guest groups in short term mission trips. Simply put, Life School is a life changing gap summer program aimed at:

Training up Missionaries, Regardless of Vocation

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MIssion Trips

Go on mission with us on a Surf, Serve, & Share Trip. Coming soon!