
This was my second year at Dare 2 Share, and this time I brought a friend. He was super pumped afterwards, and had someone special in mind with whom he wanted to share the gospel message with. His grandma was a devoted Christian, but his grandpa was not. He wanted to share with his grandpa. So a few days after we got back, he went to his house, talked with him, and gave him a Life in 6 Words book to read. His grandpa immediately threw it in the trash and said he didn't want to have anything to do with it. This past weekend we both stayed at another one of our friend's house and stayed up late just talking. At one point he got very emotional and shared with us his concern for his grandpa's eternal life. We sympathized with him and prayed for him and his grandpa's salvation. And on Easter, his grandpa accepted Christ!! This was such a great motivation for me in sharing my faith, and I am excited to see what he has in store for me and my friends! God is so good!

- Levi


My name is Mac and I had the privilege of leading someone to Christ! Here is the story.

Well first off I'm homeschooled. But I'm a varsity wrestler at my local high - school in Gig Harbor, WA. So our youth group started a thing where we give out a "lifebook". It basically lays out the gospel of John and gives them an opportunity to give their life to Christ at the end. So here it goes.

It was about an hour before practice started and one of the heaviest guys (Joey) on our team came up to me and asked me if he could borrow my deodorant. I replied, "Sure, but only if you take this book too". He took it and started to mock it saying how this is a "Come to Jesus moment". So that started a conversation. So then we were having a discussion and then the whole entire rest of the wrestling team comes over to see what we"re talking about and they ask me what I gave to Joey. And I replied that it was a lifebook and they started asking questions. So then I tore open my bag and gave out 10 lifebooks to the wrestlers that wanted them. Many started mocking them and pretending to be a black preacher and that kinda stuff. They eventually opened them and started flipping through them and one of the wrestlers asked me what the Gospel was. So I layed it out for them! God. Our. Sins. Paying. Everyone. LIFE. (Except I elaborated on each point like you taught us). Some thought it was really cool and others thought it was stupid.

The next day one of the wrestlers, (Cory) I gave a book to, came up to me and told me he accepted Christ and is going to trust God in whatever happens in this life. I literally yelled and started jumping up and down. It was such an exciting moment. Everyone on the team knows that he became a christian too. So I told the GOSPEL to the whole team and one accepted it into his Life! He's going to start coming to my youth group as well.  It was such and amazing experience and I thank God every second for it!
