
Dumpster Diver

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Jesus Christ, Creator of the universe and everything in it, chose to leave the glory of heaven and enter into the mess of our world. He did this to rescue us. In that sense, Jesus was sort of like the greatest Dumpster Diver to have ever lived. The sessions will dive into the different aspects of Jesusʼ incarnation as a man, the purification He offers through the cross, and the giving of new life through His resurrection. The hope is for the Lord to bring your students and leaders to a new realization of Christʼs greatness and a new sense of urgency to dive back into the lives of those around us with the His Gospel.

“The Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost.” - Luke 19:10

Session Content

Session 1 - Dumpster diving 101

  • Subject: Brokenness.
  • Central Theme:  This world and our lives are not the way they were supposed to be.
  • Objective:  Every student must recognize their own brokenness.
  • Key Verses: Rom. 3:23, Matt. 5:21-22, Matt. 5:48, Rom. 5:12

session 2 - Dirty Diver

  • Subject: Jesus Came to Earth.
  • Central Theme:  Jesus entered the trash of this world and desires to enter the trash of our lives and get involved.
  • Objective:  Every student can go to Jesus as they are. Jesus always accepts us and we will never ever have to feel alone as we realize that Jesus is intimately involved in our lives.
  • Verses: Luke 19:1-7, Isaiah 61:1-5

session 3 - Trash made clean

  • Subject:  Jesus' Death.
  • Central Theme:  Jesus’ death reconciles us to God and the purpose we were created for.
  • Objective:  Every student can experience fullness of life through the reality of the cross.
  • Verses: John 10:10, Psalm 16:11, 1 John 4:10, Rom. 5:10, John 3:1

session 4 - buffet vs dumpster

  • Subject: Jesus Satisfies.
  • Central Theme:  Finding satisfaction in Christ vs the temptations of World.
  • Objective: Every student would experience the satisfaction found in Christ.
  • Verses: Eccl. 2:10-11, Jer. 2:13, Matt. 13:44f, 1 John 5:3, Heb. 11:25

session 5 - made clean to get dirty

  • Subject:  Sharing with Friends.
  • Central Theme:  Share the message of the "Great Dumpster Diver".
  • Objective:  Every student can become dumpster divers as they enter into the trash of their friends' lives.
  • Verses:  Luke 4:38-43, Luke 19:10, John 20:21, Rom. 10:14, Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8